Musuem Schedule

2021年 03月


Iyai Project Findings: Lives of Initial Jomon People Revealed through Rock Shelter Skeletons Term:Mar. 4, 2021(Thu) - May 8 (Sat)
Place:Kokugakuin University Museum, Special Exhibition Space


【特集展示】「古事記アートコンテスト 受賞作展」 会期:令和3(2021)年2月24日(水)~4月24日(土)
会場:國學院大學博物館 校史展示室

【Cafe & Restaurant】

We have three kind cafe and restaurant in campus.
■ Cafe Lounge "Wakagi ga oka"
■ Japanese restaurant "NAGOMI"
■ Memorial restaurant
* Closed on Sundays. See website for hours.