

Special Exhibition "Mikoshi - Connecting People to People" Event Festival!



This is a related event to the exhibition "MIKOSHI - The Portable Shrine - Connecting People with People.

Please join us! (Registration required for some of the events *Registration starts on 6/10)

  Please join us! (Registration required for some of the events *Registration starts on 6/10)


Kagura Dance and Gagaku Evening Dances and performances by student circles
Date: Saturday, July 6, 17:00-18:00
Place: Hall in the Museum Seating: 40 seats (application required, first-come-first-served basis) *If the number of seats is exceeded, it will be standing room only.
Advance application required (application form)
ooperation: Aoba Gagaku-kai, Misuzu-kai
Lectures on Japanese Culture Theme: "Festivals, Beliefs and Community
Date: Saturday, July 20, 14:00-17:10
Place: Josai University Tokiwanmatsu Hall
Advance registration required( register on the university homepage
Organized by: Research and Development Promotion Organization of Josai University
Carry a portable shrine! Demonstration and Explanation by Student Mikoshi Circle
Date: September 7 (Sat.) 14:00-15:00
Place: Hall in the museum
Reservations not required
Cooperation: Wakagi Mutsumi
Museum Talk Title: "Mikoshi and Town
Date: Saturday, September 14, 14:00-15:00
Lecturer: Takaaki Daito (Professor of the University)
Place: Hall in the Museum
Reservation not required