• 고고考古
  • 신도神道
  • 교사校史


 ● 山ノ神遺跡復元模型(「神社祭礼に見るモノと心」グループと共同制作)
 ● 火焔土器、その他縄文土器(縄文時代)
 ● 土偶(縄文時代)
 ● 銅鐸(弥生時代)
 ● 挙手人面土器(古墳時代)
 ● 石枕(古墳時代、重要文化財)
 ● 興福寺瓦(古代)
 ● 経筒(中世)
 ● 懸仏(中世)
 ● 銅鼓(中国)

On occasion in this museum, some materials which are in the publication are not exhibited as they are changed on demand.

전시 자료

  • Deep pot

    Middle Jōmon period, ca. 3,000 B.C.E.
    Iwanohara site, Fukasawamachi, Nagaoka City, Niigata Pref.

    Deep pot(umataka type, flame-style pottery) The Iwanohara site located on the terrace of the left bank of the Shinano River is a ...more

  • Clay figurine (dogū)

    Late Jōmon-final Jōmon period, ca. 2500-300 B.C.E.
    Tatsugi shell mound, Tatsugi, Tone Town, Ibaraki Pref., Shinpukuji shell mound, Iwatsuki Ward, Saitama City, Saitama Pref., etc.

    Human figurines from the Jōmon period are thought to represent a belief in supernatural beings. While produced from the earlie...more

  • Bronze bell (dōtaku) with crossed-bands pattern

    Thought to have been excavated from the Ōiwayama site, Koshinohara,Yasu City, Shiga Pref.
    Middle Yayoi period, ca.1st century B.C.E.

    These artifacts are called the "Tossenchū type 1"; among bronze bells characterized by cross-band patterns of six sections dr...more

  • Bronze mirror with triangular rim, design of three deities and three animals

    Early Kofun period, ca. 4th century C.E.
    From the Ōtsuki Bankei collection

    This mirror is believed to belong to one of the last groups of imported mirrors, prior to the socalled imitative triangular rimm...more

  • Pottery with human face and raised hands

    Early Kofun period, ca. 4th century C.E.
    Katayama site, Wakaho-Hoshina, Nagano City, Nagano Pref.

    Located on the southern bank of the Hoshina River (tributary of the Chikuma River), the Katayama site is an unusual archaeologi...more

  • Stone pillow (Important Cultural Property)

    Middle Kofun period, ca. 5th century C.E. Gift of the Archaeological Society of Kokugakuin University
    Anesaki Futagozuka Tumulus, Anesaki, Ichihara City, Chiba Pref.

    The Anesaki Futagozuka Tumulus located in the Yōrō River basin is a keyhole-shaped tomb mound that can be dated to the late-midd...more

  • Cinerary urn

    Heian period, ca. 9th century C.E.
    Kaneda Government Office site (found within the Kokonoe-Higashioka abandoned temple site), Higashioka, Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Pref.

    The ruins of the ancient Kaneda Government Office site are located in the west-bank river basin of the Sakura River. The site rep...more

  • 고고考古
  • 신도神道
  • 교사校史